To resume your regular body functions it is important to detoxify in order to cleanse and rejuvenate the system. The cleansing process is also called the detoxification process and is an integral part of healing according to Naturopathy and Ayurveda. For the detoxification process, you will need liquids, herbs and foods to work comprehensively.
1) The process of detoxification begins with the morning drink in which one can consume ginger decoction with half a teaspoon of honey. Decoction is a method of brewing tea using roots, stems or barks. It's often used to make herbal tea, masala tea and coffee. According to Ayurveda, ginger is considered to be medicinal as it controls and subdues gas (flatulence). It is a detoxifier and also acts as a liver cleanser. When honey is added to the ginger decoction it makes the ginger even more effective. Honey is considered a super transporter of medicines and an essential element in Ayurveda.
How to make ginger decoction: To make the ginger and honey decoction, take ginger root that is about 1cm long and crush it. Add this crushed ginger to about 2 glasses of water and boil it till the volume of water reduces to half. Once the colour of water changes to golden, you'll know the decoction is ready. Then add about half a teaspoon of honey to the mix. One thing you must be careful of is to avoid boiling honey alone as it can be very toxic and harmful. Honey should always be added to warm or hot water.
2) The second step in detoxification is consuming Triphala. Triphala is an Ayurvedic herb used for cleansing the colon, liver and blood. Take half a teaspoon of Triphala and add it to a glass of lukewarm water. Stir it well till the Triphala dissolves and settles. Pass it through a strainer and drink the liquid.
3) In the morning, you can also drink a glass of water mixed with juice from half a lemon. The lime juice works as a great detoxifier. Don't add any salt or sugar to the mix and make sure you don't add more than half a lime.
4) Another powerful detoxifier is Aloe Vera juice. Take 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice, dissolve it in a cup of water and drink this mix twice a day .
5) One should not eat or drink any aerated drinks, fried foods, cereals or milk products. Avoid chutneys, ketchup and all sorts of fatty food. Your diet for the day should only have fruits like apple, oranges and papaya.
6) End the day with a strong cleanser. Have 1 teaspoon of wheat bran and half teaspoon of Isabgol at night as this will cleanse the intestines and provide the fiber and bulk required for cleansing the system. Together, wheat bran and Triphala provide the soft and hard fiber which is very essential for detoxification. People who have constipation can also mix 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice that works as a laxative and eases the system.
Detoxification doesn't mean fasting, but instead focuses on nourishing. Making it a monthly practice is a great way to cleanse your system, wash away the extra calories and stay healthy
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